Ethics Untangled

Introducing Leeds Love Month [Leeds Love Month special episode]

Jim Baxter

A quick introduction to our special series of episodes featuring recordings from the Leeds Love Month live events organised by the Centre for Love, Sex and Relationships at the University of Leeds.
In October 2023, Centre for Love, Sex and Relationships at the University of Leeds ran a series of events under the Love Month banner. There were some really interesting talks, and we thought we'd release them as a special series of Ethics Untangled episodes. So we're giving you them all in one go, and they won't affect the standard episodes, which will carry on going out according to the usual schedule.

Here's a list of episodes:

Finn MacKay on queer identities and attraction

Tom O’Shea on whether we can be responsible for our attractions

Kate Lister on whether we evolved to be monogamous 

Pilar Lopez-Cantero on experiences of breakup, and how to move on well 

Troy Jollimore on whether we love for reasons 

MM McCabe on love and desire in Plato’s symposium 

Brian Earp on the ethics of psychedelically-assisted relationship therapy 

Robbie Arrell on consent issues raised by teledildonic technology

Ethics Untangled is produced by the IDEA Ethics Centre at the University of Leeds.

Twitter: @EthicsUntangled